29 Des 2011

How to make a floating text with shadow and in 3D

Okay, today i wanna give you a tutorial how to make a floating text with shadow and in 2.5D, okay first open your photoshop, you are free to choose the size but make it sure it transparent background, it just to make sure that your text is floating when you upload it :
take a look at this picture below

And then go to the left panel and choose just like the picture below

28 Des 2011

How to make an user interface for database connection in java

package m1;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

What to do before you going to photograph "Basic"

Ever experienced anything like this?

You come home from photographing the event and realized that last throughout your photo shoot using ISO 1200, but the show carried out in broad daylight at ISO 100 are quite
You just realize that you are using the white balance setting to cloudy, but from the beginning of the show made the room with fluorescent lamp illumination
Basic errors like this make us the hassle of making corrections to the photo, if one or two does not matter, when hundreds of photos?. Okay, maybe with the help of software we can make corrections with a relatively fast, but would not it be nice if this kind of error can be avoided from the beginning.
There are 5 basic things that we should always check before our finger pressed the shutter button the first time. Please: 

27 Des 2011

The difference Linux server and windows server

The different between windows server and linux serve

With Linux, the operating system is effectively free

Windows, there are licensing fees for any version, so there is a cost factor

With linux, you have to make modification kernel

Windows, it's a stable platform, though not as flexible

This answer is pick up from Phil Cox, principal consultant with System Experts interview

And from the other resource

Server that based on Linux, for example, qmail that equal to MS exchange server, can work at a Pentium 1 computer with only using RAM 64MB or less. Linux has a TUI (text user interface) for administrating the system, fot example, YaST in SUSE and drakxconf in mandriva, that can run without X Window.

As a OS server, linux is design not to often for shutdown in the operation, defending from the memory leak in linux have more concern than windows

26 Des 2011


When are we using 192.xxx.xxx.xx when we build a network and 255.xxx.xxx.x?
Short for Internet Protocol, IP is an address of a computer or other network device on a network using IP or TCP/IP. For example, the number "" is an example of such an address. These addresses are similar to an addresses used on a house and is what allows data to reach the appropriate destination on a network.
There are five classes of available IP ranges: Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D and Class E, while only A, B and C are commonly used. Each class allows for a range of valid IP addresses. Below is a listing of these addresses

My first try to make an application "Java Programing" (program java)

package moddesktop3;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

 * @author trj3je
public class FUpdateData extends javax.swing.JFrame {
Connection koneksi;
Statement perintah;
ResultSet hasil;
    /** Creates new form FUpdateData */
    public FUpdateData() {

Basis data (Basic & average) "Mambuat dan mengelola basis data"


Pembahasan :

mysql> create database kantorku;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> create table karyawan(
    -> no_karyawan char(8),
    -> nama char(35),
    -> Jenis_kelamin enum('L','P'),
    -> tgl_lahir date,
    -> jabatan char(5),
    -> id_dep char(2));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)

mysql> \c
mysql> create table teknisi_proyek(
    -> no_karyawan char(8),
    -> id_proyek int(11),
    -> tgl_mulai date,
    -> tgl_selesai date);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

mysql> create table proyek(
    -> id_proyek int(11),
    -> deskripsi char(100),
    -> selesai enum('S','B'));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)

Database management using mysql (advance) Part 2


Store store procedure and function is a new facility of MySQL version 5.0.Stroe procedure is a set of SQL stored into a MySQL server. The advantage of using store procedure, the MySQL client does not need to write SQL commands to the server but only have to call the procedure that has been stored on the server (if available). The difference between procedures and functions in MySQL is almost similar to the procedures and functions in programming languages. Function returns a scalar value and can be called in the statement of another procedure or function. Procedure is called via the CALL command and can return values through output variables.
How to create a procedure or function through several steps, among others:
• Create a database in advance, because the store procedures and functions stored in the database rather than in the DBMS.
• Or if the database was made before, entered into the database in question.
• Perform command <karakter> delimiter. Example delimiter |, this step would change the character of the stops on the MySQL server; be |. Create Create Procedure and Function
Before making procedure or function first make sure that you have entered into a database (use nama_database). The general form of the create command procedures and functions are

24 Des 2011

Database management using mysql (advance) Part 1

Okay this is what i know, and what i understand.... so just see this and enjoy it :)


Join command is used to combine two or more tables. Join clause there are several kinds:
1. inner join
2. left outer join
3. right outer join
Inner join command, function combines two tables by using the commands on tertentu.Seleksi selection followed by seleksi.Misalnya conditions:

Select customers .*, .* from customer transactions
Inner join transactions on pelanggan.id_pelanggan = transaksi.id_pelanggan

Information system security (what to know) "Keamanan sistem informasi (yang perlu diketahui)" "BASIC"

Definition of Security is to protect assets from threats.
The assets may include such information, hardware, software, support device, people, media communication, the ability of processing , or money (expressed in the form of such information when sold).
(Cooper, James Arlin, Computer and Communication Security Strategies for the 1990s, McGraw-Hill, 1989, page 11).
The term communication (communication) in question is a computer communications. Stream of data flowing from one computer to another or from your computer to other supporting devices such as printers.

Aspects of Computer Security
1. Authentication
In order for the recipient of information can ensure the authenticity of the information actually came from the sender.
2. Integrity
Information sent over the network is not modified by unauthorized people during a trip through the network

How to make an ecrypted login page (basic) "cara membuat login yang ter enkripsi"

Okay, today i'll show you some of my task, where i have to make a "login", okay, just see this i hope you can understand what i'm talking about :D
first : make a page for the form, named it with "index.html"
index.html functions to enter the username and password, which will be stored in the variable $ username for the username and passworrd for input will be stored in the variable $ password, and here is the script for "index.html"

<title>Encryption in PHP</title>

Object, it's all about the concept of programing with an object

What Exactly Is a Class?
In short, a class is a blueprint for an object.When you instantiate an object, you use a class as the basis for how the object is built. Class is decipherable as group of objects that have atributes, operation, and relation.
Remember that each object has its own attributes (analogous to fields) and behaviors (analogous to functions). A class defines the attributes and behaviors that all objects created with this class will possess. Because objects are created from classes, it follows that classes must define the basic building blocks of objects (attributes, behavior, and messages). In short, you must design a class before you can create an object.

Each class must define the attributes that will store the state of each object instantiated from that class.

Methods implement the required behavior of a class. Every object instantiated from this class has the methods as defined by the class. Methods may implement behaviors that are called from other objects (messages) or provide the fundamental, internal behavior of the class. Internal behaviors are private methods that are not accessible by other objects.

TEMPURA........!!!!! How it made :D

Ok... I'm hungry... and now i want to share what i know about food,, and this food below and also the recipe is what i know, and i like it... :D it called tempura it's a shrimp that covered by a crispy,, nuff said :D now i'll show you the tempura :

Hmm..... look delicious, right?! :D hahaha.... ok now the recipe :D  by the way, you can just use shrimp, you can ignore the others :D 

Network concept

Definition of network
Network is two or more computer that are connected for sharing the data and the other tools,
Computer network also known as a combination of hardware and software and using cable as a connector for communicating between computers, to exchange information (Odom, 2004)

The good of network
·         Resources Sharing, can share data and information between system
·         Savings, can share expensive resource
·         High Reliability, can have alternative sources of supply
·         Scalability, have ability to increase system scale gradually
·         Medium Communication, for communication between personal in one system using computer network

Computer network classifications
1.    Based on transmission technology
·         Broadcast network
Having a single communication channel by all engines on the network.

·         There are 3 type of operations :
·         One resource to one destination
·         Broadcasting
·         Multicasting

How to make a shoutbox for your website

Just for your information, nowadays every website has a shoutbox, it's a facilities that the website give to the visitor so the visitor can talk each other, i've done this when i build my website for a task that my lecturer give to me, so here the script :

Pancasila sebagai sistem filsafat

Pancasila sebagai sistem filsafat atau sebagai dasar negara kita merupakan sumber dari segala sumber hukum yang berlaku di negara kita. Pancasila sebagai pandangan hidup bangsa indonesia dapat mempersatukan kita, serta memberi petunjuk dalam mencapai kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan lahir dan bathin dalam masyarakat kita yang beraneka ragam sifatnya.
Rumusan Pancasila yang terdapat dalam pembukaan UUD 1945 itulah yang kita gunakan, sebab rumusan yang demikian itulah yang ditetapkan oleh wakil-wakil bangsa Indonesia pada tanggal 17 Agustus 1945 dalam sidang PPKI.

Pengertian dan penjelasan tentang filsafat

Pengertian Filsafat

1.Dari segi etimologis
Dalam Bhs Indonesia mempunyai padanan falsafah dalam bhs arab.
Dalam Inggris philosophy. Latin philosopia. Belanda philosophie. Jerman philosophier.
Perancis philosophie. Semua itu diterjemahkan dqalam bhs Indonesia kata “Filsafat” Menurut Dr. Harun Nasution istilah falsafah berasal dari bhs Yunani “philein” yg mengandung arti cinta dan sophos dalam arti hikmah (wisdom).
Yunanilah yg pertama berfilsafat yg dukenal orang sampai sekarang. Kata filsafat ini bersifat majemuk yg berASAL DARI KATA PHILOS berarti sahabat dan kata sophia yg berarti pengetahuan bijak sana

19 Des 2011

Design, design and design something

Okay, it has been two week i'm workin' on it, i've got this job when my friend offer it, i'm designing a website and make the logo for them, i hope they will appreciate what i've been done, this is a new company and they want a new logo an new design for their website, it's not like i'm doin' all of the program, but i'm just doin' the picture, it's really need a lot of work you know... yeah... creating something new is the problem in here... for thee logo, i need 1 week to work on it, it's just need twice revision, and then another one week for the whole web design and i think the result is really good, i kinda satisfy with it, usually i need about 3 or 4 days to workin something like this, but it need 2 weeks and then i think there will be more revision you know.... yeah.... costumer is a KING, as long as they pay you :p LOL.